
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The First Night Of Ramadan

Ubqari Magazine - June 2015

Hazrat Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) said:

Allahسبحانہ تعالی(glorious and exalted) says:

O Ridwan (Doorkeeper of paradise)! Open the doors of Paradise and O Malik (Doorkeeper of Hell)! Close the doors of Hell to the ones from the community of Hazrat Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) who observed fasting!

O Gabriel! Descend to the earth, handcuff and chain the wild ones of the satans, then throw them into the sea, so that they cannot demolish the fasting of my beloved Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) community.”

Hazrat Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) said:

Allah (swt) orders a caller (angel) to call like this three times at every night of the month of Ramadan:

Anybody who wants something, I will give him what he wants.

Anybody who repents? I will accept his repentance.

Anybody who wants forgiveness? I will forgive him.


When the first night of Ramadan comes, the doors of the skies are opened; none of them is closed until the last night of the Ramadan.

When a person performs salah on a Ramadan night, surely Allah writes one thousand and five hundred merits for its every sajdah (prostration act in the salah) and builds a villa made of red ruby for him in the heaven. There exist sixty thousand doors of that villa. There exists a golden villa decorated with red ruby on every door of it.

( maka shafa al qaloob)( kaleem ullah sheikh, Dera Ismael Khan).


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